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C-Trap™ installed at Imperial College London

C-Trap® installed at Imperial College London

Recently, LUMICKS successfully installed a new C-Trap® optical tweezers-fluorescence microscopy system in the lab of Professor David Rueda at the Imperial College London, England, whose lab also features an AFS™ system for high throughput measurements.

The group of Prof. Rueda develops and uses quantitative single-molecule approaches to investigate mechanisms underlying complex biological processes. These approaches enable the study of structural dynamics of individual molecules, which is not possible using ensemble-average experiments. The C-Trap® will be used to investigate processes where interactions between DNA and proteins play an important role, or more specifically to measure the activity and states of proteins involved during homologous recombination. This work is funded by a Collaborative Wellcome Trust grant with Dr. Simon Boulton (Francis Crick Insitute), Dr. Eric Green (Columbia University) and Dr. Lumir Krejci (Masaryk University).

In addition, the group conducts research into other DNA-protein interactions, such as DNA polymerase and CRISPR/Cas9 (a widely used tool for genome editing). The group will use the C-Trap® to monitor the binding of labelled protein complexes to stretched DNA. We wish Prof. Rueda and his team all the best of luck with their research!

Interested in how your research can benefit from the C-Trap®? Download the brochure or contact us for a demo or a quote.

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