Turn your concepts into results
Our new Customer Success Packages were created to support scientists through all the stages towards their first publication using LUMICKS’ instruments. A specialist with dedicated expertise will come to your lab to give dedicated training based on your needs and help you get the most out of your research.

Experimental design support
to translate any biological question into a relevant DSM experiment. This includes identifying the goals of the study, the preferred type of measurement, and the sample specifications.
Sample preparation and testing
to establish robust experiments. A dedicated application scientist will visit your lab and set up the experimental protocols to prepare the samples. Once your samples are ready and optimized, we will test them on-site and aid in generating the data.
Measurements and Workflow optimization
to attain statistically relevant amounts of data. Our on-site support ensures that you’ll be able to generate high-quality data in an efficient manner. At this stage, you’ll receive support and training in software scripting to automate parts of or entire experiments and boost data output.
Data analysis
to go from raw data to processed parameters and answer your scientific questions. We’ll provide the knowledge and tools for the complete analysis of your data. We’ll review and use literature examples from relevant cases. Where necessary, we’ll write dedicated data analysis programs together with you.
Interpretation and representation
of DSM data that can be published. Using literature, we’ll go through the different types of data that are typically presented and published. You’ll learn how to present your data in a reproducible way and how to interpret your results. We also provide support during the preparation of your manuscript.